Abda Window Fashions in Indiana are your Resource for Daylighting Shades!
Natural Light entering the home is important for both visual comfort and general well-being. Using natural light to illuminate home interior is called daylighting. With great window design and Abda Window Fashions, daylighting could provide most, if not all, daylight light needs-saving significant energy and money.
The biggest problem homeowner’s face is direct sunlight. It simply creates too much contrast in a room. Dark areas seem darker and sunlit bright areas are harsh and glaring. The goals of daylight are to even the intensity of incoming light and bring it deeper into the room. The best way to do this is by diffusing the light. Diffusion is the bending of light, causing it to scatter in multiple directions. As seen in the two rooms pictured.
In these “before and after” pictures, you can see the striking difference made by the two sheer facing of Abda’s Silhouette window shadings. The harsh, high-contrast light in the left image has been beautifully softened and diffused, transforming the room.
Stop in our showroom or schedule a free in-home consultation today!
Design Tip: Use Abda’s daylighting sheer shades in sunrooms, living rooms or any space that needs natural lighting. The “sheer shade” also has UV protection to shield your hardwood floors, textiles, furniture and artwork from the harmful UV rays.